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Decorating Ideas for Rental Properties to Personalize Your Space

Dawn Jameson • Nov 28, 2023

Are you searching for decorating ideas for rental properties without jeopardizing your security deposit? We're here to assist you in adding your personal touch to your living space without risking your hard-earned money.

Don't worry about what you can't alter; summon the courage to change what you can. There are numerous ways to personalize your rental and make it truly reflect your personality.

We've gathered clever (and temporary!) decorating ideas for rental properties and designers that will spark your creativity and help you transform your rental into a place that truly feels like home.

Decorating Ideas for Rental Properties

Before we get into these ideas, here are two important things you need to know:

  • Always double-check your lease before making any changes to your rental. While most of these suggestions are usually allowed, ensuring that nothing you do goes against the lease terms is crucial.
  • If you decide to remove anything, make sure you have a clean and safe place to keep those items until you're ready to put them back. Even though these ideas are all temporary, not returning your home to its original (or even better) condition may put your security deposit at risk and potentially upset your landlord or property management company—something we always want to avoid!


Indoor plants are great for brightening your home and boosting well-being. Favorites like the Swiss Cheese Plant, Rubber Plant, Kentia Palm, and Peace Lily are ideal choices.

Creating indoor plant-filled spaces connects us with nature, which is good for our well-being. To do this in a rental, consider tall plants like ficus or rubber trees for empty corners and low-maintenance options like the hoya plant for flowers. You can also grow herbs like basil or rosemary for fresh, organic meal additions.

Changing Light Fixtures

Using the same light fixture above your dining table in every home you move to always has the same look and feel, no matter where you live! If there's a built-in light fixture in a room, changing it to something you prefer is quite simple. If there's no wiring for a new fixture, you can ask your landlord if it's possible to have some installed. If not, can rely on lamps and other types of portable lighting to give your rental space a different look. 

Hanging Art-Works & Photographs (Without Nails)

Adding personal photos, your beloved art, and distinctive wall decorations will quickly make a place feel more like yours, completely transforming the vibe to create a cozy and homelike atmosphere. You can use special picture hanging strips that won't damage the walls (you can find a variety of Command hooks and strips on Amazon) and removable tape to hang your frames without leaving any big holes in the paint.

Floating Shelves

Install floating shelves in your apartment to display decorative items and keepsakes. Simple shelves arranged in an exciting pattern provide a solid foundation for showcasing different things over time. Whether you choose wooden or metal shelves, they'll complement most styles, allowing you to switch up the display without needing to create additional holes in your apartment walls.

Adding Temporary Wallpapers

Many people have a strong fondness for temporary wallpaper. It's a highly preferred choice over painting in a rental or apartment because it's generally less effort. Although putting it up might take a similar amount of time as painting, removing it is incredibly easy—just peel it off. 

Modular Furniture Adapting Your Needs

The beauty of modular furniture lies in its adaptable and customizable nature, allowing you to create a personalized and efficient living space. This type of furniture is particularly advantageous for rentals as it can be easily rearranged to fit different room layouts or meet changing needs. As a tenant, you will find that modular furniture is often more cost-effective than traditional, bulky pieces, offering a stylish and budget-friendly approach to enhancing the ambiance of your rental home.

Swapping the Furniture

Even if your apartment has standard finishes and materials, you can still have fantastic furniture. Decorate your space with pieces you adore to give it a personal touch. Pick a standout furniture item in each room to be the center of attention. Whether it's a gorgeous mustard-yellow sofa or a midcentury modern dining table, it'll quickly shift your focus away from any features you can't modify.


Decorating a rental property doesn't need to feel overwhelming. With these decorative ideas for rental properties, you can turn your temporary space into a warm and personalized haven. 

Always check your lease agreement and choose decor that can be easily removed and won't cause damage, ensuring a smooth move-out. Your rental can showcase your style and personality, even if you're only there briefly, giving you a lovely and comfy place to call home.


Can I decorate a rental?

This question can only be answered by your landlord or your property management company (after they refer to your landlord). The answer depends on how flexible your landlord is with you decorating the property and to what extent. 

What color should I paint my rental property?

Grays, tans, and creams are highly recommended for rental properties. But when using gray, you should be careful. Light shades of gray tend to be cold, and darker shades may not be suitable for the entire rental. Dark neutrals are best for dining rooms, baseboards, doors, and accent walls.

Why do landlords use white paint?

With landlords overseeing multiple units, possibly on multiple properties, time and cost are critical. They can stockpile cans and trust that the white color will work. Any “landlord off-white” tends to be a more palatable neutral, less expensive per gallon, and, most importantly, hides dirt.

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