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What Are the Disadvantages of DIY Property Management?

Dawn Jameson • Dec 20, 2023

If you're a landlord contemplating personally managing your rental property, you're not alone. But be warned that there are more disadvantages to DIY property management than advantages. 

From legal concerns to time-consuming responsibilities, there are multiple factors you need to weigh before deciding if DIY property management is the right choice for you. In this blog post, we'll delve into the advantages and disadvantages of DIY property management.

What is DIY Property Management?

DIY property management is the process of managing a rental property without the assistance of a professional property manager. In this strategy, the landlord assumes all property management obligations, such as screening tenants, collecting rent, handling repairs and upkeep, and enforcing lease agreements.

Can You Do DIY Property Management?

Determining whether opting for do-it-yourself (DIY) property management aligns with your preferences and your property portfolio relies on several key factors. Let's explore the following questions:

Your Experience with Property Management

Your prior experience in managing rental properties plays a crucial role. If you possess experience in this field, you may be better equipped to handle the responsibilities that accompany DIY management. On the other hand, if you lack experience, consider engaging a professional property manager.

Available Time for Property Management

DIY property management demands a significant time commitment. You must have the necessary time available to address all aspects of rental property management effectively.

Size & Complexity of Your Property Portfolio

The size and intricacy of your property portfolio are significant considerations. For those with just one or two relatively straightforward properties, DIY management may be a viable option. In contrast, if you have a large or complex property portfolio, you might require the expertise and resources provided by a professional property manager.

Level of Involvement Desired

DIY management offers complete control over all facets of rental property management, which can be appealing to some property owners who want to be hands-on. On the other hand, employing a professional property manager could be a better option if you'd rather take a more hands-off approach.

Budget for Property Management

Cost considerations are paramount. DIY management can lead to cost savings compared to hiring a professional property manager, but you should be financially prepared to cover any necessary expenses, such as repairs and maintenance.

Disadvantages of DIY Property Management

Time Commitment

The responsibilities associated with DIY property management are extensive, requiring substantial time commitment for tasks ranging from marketing and tenant screening to rent collection, maintenance coordination, and legal compliance. This can prove to be an overwhelming disadvantage of DIY property management, especially for property owners constrained by limited time or professional commitments, as the demands of effective self-management may become burdensome.

Legal and Financial Risks

Insufficient expertise in property management laws and regulations is a significant disadvantage of DIY property management. It can expose owners to legal and financial risks. There is a potential for errors, ranging from mishandling tenant screening and lease agreements to eviction procedures and property maintenance, which may lead to costly legal disputes or non-compliance penalties.

Emotional Involvement

DIY property management may give rise to personal biases and emotional involvement, influencing decision-making through subjective attachments. This emotional entanglement is a major drawback of DIY property management. It has the potential to cloud judgment, impede objective problem-solving, and ultimately impact the property's financial performance and the professional reputation of its management.

How You Can Find Good Property Management Companies

Choose Wisely, Like Picking a Restaurant

When selecting a property manager, adopt the restaurant-choosing principle by opting for locations endorsed by other investors. Confidence within the investor community indicates a reliable choice for successful property management.

Consider Popular Choices, but Not Alone

An active community of investors serves as a strong indicator of a dependable property manager. Yet, it's essential to note that relying solely on popularity may not be the exclusive criterion for making a decision. Other factors should also be carefully considered to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of the property manager's reliability and suitability for your investment needs.

Request References for Informed Decisions

Commence your evaluation by seeking references from existing investors who have experience with the property manager. Establish connections with individuals who share the same property manager to gain valuable insights into their experiences and perspectives. This proactive approach will provide you with a well-rounded understanding of the property manager's performance and reputation within the investment community.

Gather Insightful Information

When exploring property management choices, inquire about tenant retention rates, evaluate maintenance costs, and consider the efficiency of issue resolution. These factors offer a concise overview of the management's effectiveness and the overall quality of service.

Evaluate Managerial Experience & Company Support

Examine the property manager's background and professional history carefully to gain insights into their experience and tenure. Additionally, it is crucial to ascertain whether the manager receives adequate support and if the company possesses sufficient resources to fulfill its responsibilities effectively. This dual evaluation ensures a comprehensive understanding of the property manager's capabilities and the overall strength of the managing company.

Check for Personal Investments

Examine whether the property manager holds personal investments within the industry. The presence of a personal stake suggests a heightened likelihood that the manager will prioritize your investment, demonstrating a vested interest in its success.


There are multiple disadvantages of DIY property management. So, before deciding to manage a property yourself, consider your expertise, time availability, and willingness to handle the complexities involved. 

You can also
contact Guardian Property Management to help manage your property and make investing in new ventures much easier! 


Why should you hire a property manager?

Hiring a property manager instead of struggling with the disadvantages of DIY property management can save you a great deal of time and money. A good property management company can help you with things like 

  • Tenant screening
  • Rent collection
  • Marketing your property
  • Maintenance and repairs
  • Legal compliance

What are the two main functions of a property manager?

The property manager bears a dual responsibility to both the owner and client, aiming for optimal returns on the property and the tenants seeking the utmost value for their money. This entails ensuring reasonable safety measures and adherence to fair housing laws to meet the expectations of both parties.

What are the disadvantages you can face as a DIY property manager?

Keeping up with maintenance requests, handling the admin work alone, juggling with tenant management, and a lack of time can be among the biggest disadvantages that you can face as a DIY property manager.

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